Behavioral Program
ALC offers a comprehensive behavioral program based upon the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis.
- All school staff members are certified in non-violent crisis intervention, a two day training provided by the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) certified trainers. Recertification trainings are held regularly.
- Positive behavior supports are part of the general structure of each classroom. These include daily schedules, activity schedules, visual supports, token boards, AAC supports, and reinforcement systems. We minimize the use of physical interventions and separate time-out areas. Students are encouraged and supported to make good choices throughout the day.
- When necessary, a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) of a student is conducted to determine the underlying function of behaviors. Methods include staff and parent questionnaires, preference assessments, direct observations, ABC data, and functional analysis. The information obtained from the FBA guides the development of an appropriate behavior management plan.
- Once a behavior management plan is developed, data is continuously collected and reviewed. Behavior plans are revised at least once a year, or whenever the need arises.
- Staff trainings are conducted throughout the year on various topics, including defining behaviors, collecting data, conducting functional assessments, and developing antecedent-based and consequence-based strategies. Team meetings are held to troubleshoot current behavior interventions and to train staff on new behavior management plans.
- Parent involvement is highly encouraged. A parent training workshop series (see Parent Section) including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and behavior management topics is offered each fall. Home visits and school meetings can be scheduled to develop behavior intervention strategies in the home or to generalize skills learned at school.