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Occupational Therapy

ot at alc

The Occupational Therapy program assists students ages 3-21 prepare for academic success, and includes social skill development, vocational training, and community integration.  Our school-based occupational therapy practitioners promote the education of students with a variety of physical and cognitive disabilities by helping students successfully access educationally-related activities to their maximum capability. Therapeutic use of daily-living activities is consistently encouraged, as students work to develop individual abilities and occupations within the school environment.  Client-centered goals and objectives are developed, and therapeutic programs are implemented to support our students in gaining optimal levels of functional independence and success.

The occupational therapists at ALC utilize screening, evaluation, intervention, prevention, and consultation services while tending to the physical health and overall well-being of our students.  Professionals in the department work as an integral part of an interdisciplinary team to facilitate independent student participation in school programs, provide assistance in task modification, offer recommendations for adaptive equipment and training in its use, and offer guidance and education to family members and caregivers. The occupational therapy department at the ALC includes five therapists averaging over 15 years experience each working with developmentally disabled student. Areas of expertise include assistive technology certification, splinting, sensory integration, neuromuscular rehabilitation, visual motor, and implementation of the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.  Therapists provide inservice training and consultation for staff members as needed in the areas of sensory diets, fine motor skills, and vocational skills.